After two weeks, I finally got my first phone call from Tony yesterday. I was outside pulling weeds around noon and my phone rang. I looked at it and saw an unusual number I didn't recognize and I thought "could it be him??" I answer with a little "hello?" and I hear "I love you sweet heart." Those little words and my whole face lit up. I squealed and told him I love him too. We talked for about 15 or 20 minutes before getting disconnected. He sounds great, much better than the last deployment. I was so excited about this phone call. When I think about it, most people take something so simple as a quick phone call and 'I love you' for granted. I have learned to cherish the little phone calls and survive on the 'I love you.'
He tried to call me again at 4:30pm yesterday. I was in the shower and did not take my phone into the bathroom. I was pretty upset I missed the calls. Even though I had talked to him a few hours before, its still just the fact that I missed him. And to know I can't call back like I could when he was home to say "whoops sorry I was in the shower and forgot my phone." From now on, this phone never leaves my body!
I got another call again this morning at about 9:30. He sounded great again. He was excited to tell me all about France and what he has been up to. Sounds like a vacation rather than a deployment! But in a few weeks he will be training in the Middle East, so that isn't a vacation. I am happy he finally gets to 'see the world' like the recruiters have promised almost every young man who walks into their office. I don't exactly consider being in a war zone in Iraq "seeing the world" since there are many more places in the world than just that. So I am happy for him and I am glad he gets to experience this. I just wish he could come back now that he got to see France! hehe I know it doesn't work that way. So I'll be here waiting and listening to his stories. I stand among the silent ranks :)
I LOVE PHONE CALLS! :) They are the best! Yipee!
I wish dad would have sent that email to him entirely in French! He said he chickened out because his 6 years of French basically taught him nothing.
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