Today I had to be at work by 9:00am. Since the store is undergoing an 8 week labor crunch, I had to be there alone to open the store. We open at 10:00, sure enough there were about 3 people ready to come in at 10 on the dot! One of whom had been waiting for us to open for 45 minutes before! It just makes me think "come on people, its Saturday, sleep in for goodness sake!" But I paint on that smile and say "hello!" as they come barging through the glass doors.
Needless to say, it would have helped a GREAT deal today if I could have had someone with me, at least from 10-2. It was non-stop busy with huge long lines, people calling looking for films, kids running around crying, people asking to be let into the bathroom, customers complaining about anything they can, etc. Around 2:30, I feel my cell phone (which I keep on vibrate in my pocket just in case!) Vibrating. I know that if it does it more than twice, it is a call rather than a text. It vibrated more than two times, so I took it out to look at the ID. It read "call" nothing more...I answer and I hear "Hi angel, I love you" OH MY GOSH!!! It was Tony! I was so excited, I almost burst into tears of happiness in the middle of my store. It has been 2 weeks + 1 day since the last time I heard his voice. Even with trying to juggle my conversation with my deployed fiance along with managing customers, what a great feeling to finally hear him after so long.
He updated me on their new training schedule "over there" I won't go into details because of the tight security situations. But if all goes as planned, they should be homeward bound by the end of January! I'll be counting the days...This Tuesday will be 6 weeks down!!
My good friend Lauren also received phone calls today from Scott. However, she had forgotten her cellphone back home in her other purse and missed all 4 of them! My gosh, poor Lauren! I feel so bad for her about that. I wish there was something I could do to help! Many people have no idea what this feels like. Its a feeling you get deep down in the pit of your stomach. This feeling then jolts up into your chest and you feel like your heart might burst. Then it feels as if your heart leaped into your throat and you might suffocate! Then the tears come. All of this occurs in about 30 seconds or less. I know its easy to say, "its ok he'll call again." But when you are on the side where you missed the calls, nothing seems to help! I'm praying for her and crossing my fingers that Scott will try again VERY soon so she can hear her Marine's voice. I love you Lauren!! :)
But its good to know they have made it to their destination and their place of residence for the next few weeks. I hope there will be many more phone calls or instant messages to come after this first day of sandy phone calls :)
~Fortune Favors the Strong~
I LOVE YOU TOO NIKKI!!! I dont know what I would do with out you, not many people "get it!" Scott got online this morning and woke me up, he will try to call later. I will tell you all about it!! I'm so glad we are getting phone calls again. I miss you!
Yay for phone calls and IM's. I get as excited as you guys - almost!
Hang in there girls!
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