I have this thing with quotes, especially from movies and my favorite television show: Grey's Anatomy. It might seem silly since most movies are made up. But I find so much in these quotes, even the fictional films.
Such as this one:
"There comes a point in your life, when you’re officially an adult. Suddenly, you’re old enough to vote, drink and engage in other adult activities. Suddenly, people expect you to be responsible, serious, a grown-up. We get taller, we get older. But do we ever really grow up?"
"In some ways we grow up; we have families... we get married, divorced... but for the most part we still have the same problems that we did when we were fifteen. No matter how much we grow taller, grow older, we are still forever stumbling... forever wondering, forever...young"
This one is from the Episode called Forever Young of Grey's Anatomy. The main character, Meredith, was narrating. I believe the top quote was at the beginning of the episode and the bottom quote at the end.
Okay, this show is entirely fictional, but I actually wrote a few essays about the phenomenon of Grey's Anatomy and what makes it so engaging to so many viewers. Many viewers even call themselves Addicts. Pretty extreme but rather accurate as well. I will be the first to admit I am a Grey's Addict. Each week I count down the days for the new episode. I try to figure out what things mean, what will happen. I believe that what makes this show so interesting to all of the followers is that although fictional, it is reality. People can relate to what the characters are feeling and experiencing.
There is just something about this quote that I love. No matter how old we are, we are still, in a way, stumbling around like a child.
Here are a few of my other favorite quotes:
"You got a dream, you gotta protect it.People can't do something themselves,they wanna tell you that you can't do it.You want something? Go get it. Period."
-The Pursuit of Happyness
"What some folks call impossible,is just stuff they haven't seen before."
-What Dreams May Come
"Any process you are going through will get tougher before it gets easier. That's what make learning a gift. Even though pain is your teacher."
"You can teach someone what character is. You can tell them "do this! Do that" but at some point, the gifts need input, intuition, dreams. One needs to be the freedom to dream, then act on it. Even if you don't have a dream of your own, you can give dreams to others-help them to fulfill their dreams!"
-The Ultimate Gift
"Letting everyone down would be my greatest unhappiness."
-Marie Antoinette (film)
"Beneath this mask there is more than flesh.Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof."
-V for Vendetta
"Every great wizard in history has started out as nothing more than we are now; students. If they can do it, why not us?"
-Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
"You don't throw away a whole life just 'cause it's banged up a little."
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Looking Ahead
This weekend my husband and I are driving home for a really short visit. He is taking the written exam for the PA state police. I am so excited for him and nervous as well. I know he must be anxious about the exam. He only got the study guide a week ago and has been studying any chance he has. I hope this goes well for him.
Rita's is still Rita's for me...same old stuff. Business is slowing down with the cooler weather. These people think 60s are cold - HAH! When I was in elementary and high school, kids pulled out the skirts and shorts and flip flops once 60 degrees hit in the spring! But down here they have on Uggs and sweaters once it drops below 68 haha, what a difference in just 500 miles south of my hometown.
I've been thinking a lot about what to do for a career when I get back home. Its so hard. Sometimes I wish I would have kept up with Psychology, but when I was at Pitt, things just weren't working out in that direction. Should I go back? I'm not sure, I already have plenty of student loans to payback. Soon I'll start job hunting and updating my resume for a big girl job when I move home in 5-6 months.
Although, I woke up feeling inspired one morning, only my mom knows what I am talking about :) I don't feel ready to tell the world yet. But I am avidly working on a little something. Wish me luck with it my friends!
Oh and Fanny comes home in 2 days! I am really looking forward to this transition, it is time to say goodbye to my comfort zone and move on.
Rita's is still Rita's for me...same old stuff. Business is slowing down with the cooler weather. These people think 60s are cold - HAH! When I was in elementary and high school, kids pulled out the skirts and shorts and flip flops once 60 degrees hit in the spring! But down here they have on Uggs and sweaters once it drops below 68 haha, what a difference in just 500 miles south of my hometown.
I've been thinking a lot about what to do for a career when I get back home. Its so hard. Sometimes I wish I would have kept up with Psychology, but when I was at Pitt, things just weren't working out in that direction. Should I go back? I'm not sure, I already have plenty of student loans to payback. Soon I'll start job hunting and updating my resume for a big girl job when I move home in 5-6 months.
Although, I woke up feeling inspired one morning, only my mom knows what I am talking about :) I don't feel ready to tell the world yet. But I am avidly working on a little something. Wish me luck with it my friends!
Oh and Fanny comes home in 2 days! I am really looking forward to this transition, it is time to say goodbye to my comfort zone and move on.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
October is here....
Unbelievable that it is already October. Seems like I only manage to post once a month!
In any event, fall in NC isn't very fall-like yet. Back home I'm sure there are many dew covered crisp mornings and the leaves are beginning to change. Down here, we still have 80 degree days and not much leaf change at all, if any. But we do have cooler evenings and its really beautiful when its a sunshine day since its not as humid as the summer was.
My boss at Rita's is 99% sure he will close for the winter around November 15. I figured we'd stay open year round, sigh. So I've begun the impossible task of job hunting in this area. There just aren't enough openings for the amount of people here, and the openings that are here require unrealistic amounts of experience for someone like my age. Especially since I went to college instead. I figured a Communication degree is much more appealing than 5 years secretary experience. But apparently not!
Up home, the stall building is already moving along very quickly for Fanny. I never imagined bringing her home would be a result of the barn crumbling before our very eyes. I always figured we'd bring her home so I could put a new show horse at the barn, or she'd come home to my own house and barn. It kills me to see and hear what is happening at a place that was such an escape from the every-day bull crap for the last 15 years of my life. But my girl is old now, she will be 28 next year. She needs someone to give an extra moment to look in on and make sure everything is ok. She needs to come in when its too hot or cold and can't stand in the rain. And lets be honest, she isn't getting what she needs. Especially since one of the people who looked after her most couldn't take the horrible treatment she was getting from her own family and close friends. I don't blame her one bit.
I find it amazing that it hasn't even been three years since my trainer passed and everyone has seemed to forget what we all were trying to do. We had meetings, we came together and agreed to keep the barn going for his memory. How quickly this agreement has been forgoten by the people I least expected it to happen with. Maybe its for the best that I am 500 miles away. I am disgusted by what I see from this far, I can only imagine how I would feel if I was back home seeing it. The barn was my favorite place in the world and it breaks my heart to see what has happened internally.
I know Fanny will be in much better care at home with my family. And I will be home for good in a few more months. It will be so nice to just walk outside to see my two equine buddies!
In any event, fall in NC isn't very fall-like yet. Back home I'm sure there are many dew covered crisp mornings and the leaves are beginning to change. Down here, we still have 80 degree days and not much leaf change at all, if any. But we do have cooler evenings and its really beautiful when its a sunshine day since its not as humid as the summer was.
My boss at Rita's is 99% sure he will close for the winter around November 15. I figured we'd stay open year round, sigh. So I've begun the impossible task of job hunting in this area. There just aren't enough openings for the amount of people here, and the openings that are here require unrealistic amounts of experience for someone like my age. Especially since I went to college instead. I figured a Communication degree is much more appealing than 5 years secretary experience. But apparently not!
Up home, the stall building is already moving along very quickly for Fanny. I never imagined bringing her home would be a result of the barn crumbling before our very eyes. I always figured we'd bring her home so I could put a new show horse at the barn, or she'd come home to my own house and barn. It kills me to see and hear what is happening at a place that was such an escape from the every-day bull crap for the last 15 years of my life. But my girl is old now, she will be 28 next year. She needs someone to give an extra moment to look in on and make sure everything is ok. She needs to come in when its too hot or cold and can't stand in the rain. And lets be honest, she isn't getting what she needs. Especially since one of the people who looked after her most couldn't take the horrible treatment she was getting from her own family and close friends. I don't blame her one bit.
I find it amazing that it hasn't even been three years since my trainer passed and everyone has seemed to forget what we all were trying to do. We had meetings, we came together and agreed to keep the barn going for his memory. How quickly this agreement has been forgoten by the people I least expected it to happen with. Maybe its for the best that I am 500 miles away. I am disgusted by what I see from this far, I can only imagine how I would feel if I was back home seeing it. The barn was my favorite place in the world and it breaks my heart to see what has happened internally.
I know Fanny will be in much better care at home with my family. And I will be home for good in a few more months. It will be so nice to just walk outside to see my two equine buddies!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Semptember Updates!
So today is the 7th Anniversary since the attacks on 9/11. I can't believe its been that long. I don't think any of us can ever write this date with out thinking about what happened for the rest of our lives...
An update on Rita's: Things are going pretty well. We've had great business and haven't even done our big grand opening! The owner is a very nice guy. He has his hands full with 4 sons and 2 businesses! I applaude the guy for making time for everything. I am a shift lead manager there and find myself working many hours each week. Two weeks ago I worked eight days in a row with out a day off. I've been more tired since starting at Rita's than I have been in months, but I enjoy the job and need the money! My boss and I are talking about a "Rita's on the Road" plan where I'll help to promote the word about this new store in the area. Many locals have never heard of Rita's since its new to the south. I have years of Rita's experience and a Communication degree, so I am really excited to get out there and use my speaking skills to promote the store and bring in more new customers!
Update on my client: The halter lesson went great! The little girl picked up very quickly and I was so excited to watch as her lightbulb went off over her head as she easily nailed the "box method" for Quarter Horse halter. She had very intelligent questions and her horse was extremely easy to work with. Tomorrow I am visiting the family again to thin, trim, and band the horse's main in traditional Quarter Horse way. She will make her trained halter debut Saturday at a local show and I will be anxiously awaiting to hear how the young girl does!
Next week is Lindsay and Jim's wedding. I can't believe how fast this summer has gone by. I know I keep saying it but seriously, it has really flown by! I feel like I just got married and moved down here, but it was already five months ago! Tony and I are leaving for home next Wednesday. I am so anxious to go home. Though I have gotten much more comfortable living here in North Carolina, I still miss my family and Pittsburgh greatly. I can't wait to see my family and my critters! Fanny took a hard fall last week in the pasture and was very stiff and sore for a few days. It was so hard for me down here so far away from her. But my mom is amazing and takes such great care of her. I'm so thankful for her and my dad taking the long trip out to Butler sometimes twice a day last week to tend to her wounds. I love my family! =)
An update on Rita's: Things are going pretty well. We've had great business and haven't even done our big grand opening! The owner is a very nice guy. He has his hands full with 4 sons and 2 businesses! I applaude the guy for making time for everything. I am a shift lead manager there and find myself working many hours each week. Two weeks ago I worked eight days in a row with out a day off. I've been more tired since starting at Rita's than I have been in months, but I enjoy the job and need the money! My boss and I are talking about a "Rita's on the Road" plan where I'll help to promote the word about this new store in the area. Many locals have never heard of Rita's since its new to the south. I have years of Rita's experience and a Communication degree, so I am really excited to get out there and use my speaking skills to promote the store and bring in more new customers!
Update on my client: The halter lesson went great! The little girl picked up very quickly and I was so excited to watch as her lightbulb went off over her head as she easily nailed the "box method" for Quarter Horse halter. She had very intelligent questions and her horse was extremely easy to work with. Tomorrow I am visiting the family again to thin, trim, and band the horse's main in traditional Quarter Horse way. She will make her trained halter debut Saturday at a local show and I will be anxiously awaiting to hear how the young girl does!
Next week is Lindsay and Jim's wedding. I can't believe how fast this summer has gone by. I know I keep saying it but seriously, it has really flown by! I feel like I just got married and moved down here, but it was already five months ago! Tony and I are leaving for home next Wednesday. I am so anxious to go home. Though I have gotten much more comfortable living here in North Carolina, I still miss my family and Pittsburgh greatly. I can't wait to see my family and my critters! Fanny took a hard fall last week in the pasture and was very stiff and sore for a few days. It was so hard for me down here so far away from her. But my mom is amazing and takes such great care of her. I'm so thankful for her and my dad taking the long trip out to Butler sometimes twice a day last week to tend to her wounds. I love my family! =)
Friday, August 15, 2008
Where is this summer going??
July has come and gone. And we are half way through the month of August! Where has this summer gone? Kids are back-to-school shopping and my Wal-Mart here is even crazier than usual with parents and children checking off lists and carts full of notebooks and backpacks.
Last time I posted, I was unemployed. I got a job shortly after that post at Bed, Bath and Beyond. It wasn't too bad of a job at first. Although ringing on a register nonstop was getting old. I wanted more to do than that when I accepted the job.
For the last few months, they have been building a Rita's Italian Ice right down the road from where I live. I had my eye on it, waiting for any sign of hiring. I worked at a Rita's back up at home for nearly 5 years, I figured I'd be able to get something pretty good with all that experience.
About a week or two ago, Rita's hung their "Now Hiring" sign. I put in an application and had an interview about two days later. Needless to say, the Rita's owner was pretty excited about my experience and offered me a managerial position right off the start. Unfortunately, I coudln't see how I would make two part-time jobs' schedules work together. BBB doesn't put their schedule out until a few days before the week its for! So I had to make a decision. I chose to leave BBB and offer full availability to Rita's. I figure since they are willing to offer the hours, I have to make a sacrifice with BBB and be willing to accept the hours. Besides, I know Rita's better and my chances for a raise are much greater there.
So today is my last day at BBB. I felt bad leaving because they need good workers. But like the one manager said, "you have to do what you have to do to make a living in this town." He said it best - finding a job here isn't as easy as one would imagine (unless you're a nurse, you're set with that job!) Sunday is my first day at Rita's. I'll be helping to train the new employees, as well as making ice. Its also going to be family and friends day for a few hours in the evening. Tony is pretty psyched about that! The employees will use our friends and family as practice customers to perfect their serving skills. Free stuff!
Also, an update on pursuing my dream of a job with horses: I'm giving a halter lesson Tuesday evening to an 11yo girl and her Quarter Horse mare. I am very excited since this is about the age I started to show horses. I remember what it feels like and I can't wait to help this little girl get good and hopefully bring some blues home!
Last time I posted, I was unemployed. I got a job shortly after that post at Bed, Bath and Beyond. It wasn't too bad of a job at first. Although ringing on a register nonstop was getting old. I wanted more to do than that when I accepted the job.
For the last few months, they have been building a Rita's Italian Ice right down the road from where I live. I had my eye on it, waiting for any sign of hiring. I worked at a Rita's back up at home for nearly 5 years, I figured I'd be able to get something pretty good with all that experience.
About a week or two ago, Rita's hung their "Now Hiring" sign. I put in an application and had an interview about two days later. Needless to say, the Rita's owner was pretty excited about my experience and offered me a managerial position right off the start. Unfortunately, I coudln't see how I would make two part-time jobs' schedules work together. BBB doesn't put their schedule out until a few days before the week its for! So I had to make a decision. I chose to leave BBB and offer full availability to Rita's. I figure since they are willing to offer the hours, I have to make a sacrifice with BBB and be willing to accept the hours. Besides, I know Rita's better and my chances for a raise are much greater there.
So today is my last day at BBB. I felt bad leaving because they need good workers. But like the one manager said, "you have to do what you have to do to make a living in this town." He said it best - finding a job here isn't as easy as one would imagine (unless you're a nurse, you're set with that job!) Sunday is my first day at Rita's. I'll be helping to train the new employees, as well as making ice. Its also going to be family and friends day for a few hours in the evening. Tony is pretty psyched about that! The employees will use our friends and family as practice customers to perfect their serving skills. Free stuff!
Also, an update on pursuing my dream of a job with horses: I'm giving a halter lesson Tuesday evening to an 11yo girl and her Quarter Horse mare. I am very excited since this is about the age I started to show horses. I remember what it feels like and I can't wait to help this little girl get good and hopefully bring some blues home!
Saturday, July 5, 2008
July Already?
I can hardly believe it is July already. That means I have been living down here in North Carolina with my new hubby for 2 full months already! Time seems to be really flying by.
Life here is about the same as it has been. However, I seem to be adjusting to the hustle and bustle of this military town. As well as the stifling heat of the summer in the south. I'm slowly trying to make our little apartment more home-like for us. Its tough when you are limited to what you can hang on the wall and the "cute" furniture for decoration is way more than you'd like to spend! But I'm getting there and it feels a little more like home each day.
I've been home twice in the last month. Earlier in June for Brian's graduation ceremony and then again the end of June for Brian's graduation party. It was a fantastic time both trips! I'm so proud of my little (well bigger younger) brother. He's a great person and I'm thankful we get along much better than we did when we were young kids.
I'll be going home again in the next 5 days or so for my best friend/sister's bridal shower. I am the maid of honor...I guess matron since I am married...in her wedding. I am also the hostess of the shower. I put a lot of thought into her shower with cute matching color themes, fun games, neat prizes, and the whole works. Its just unfortunate that the weekend in July when she was able to come to PA is the weekend right before another shower I was responsible for attending: Lauren's shower in Michigan. I found myself in quite a position. I needed to be at Lindsay's shower for sure since I was the host, but I also needed to be at Lauren's. She is a dear friend and made the trip for my shower in February. However, the plane ticket prices were over $700 to manage to make it up for both showers. That is way out of our budget. Unfortunately I will only be able to make it to Lindsay's shower next weekend.
On a positive note, I received a phone call a few days ago from a potential client! A woman who hasn't ridden in nearly 8 years is looking for Western Pleasure lessons on her 26 year old Quarter Horse. She emphasized how she wishes to start slowly to get back into riding again. She sounded like a very nice lady and I look forward to our first lesson!
Our little kitten is growing like a bad weed! He's becoming much more confident and I find him trying to balance on top of our flat screen, wide screen, television. He's highly adorable but not when he is teeter-tottering on the expensive TV! His last vet check-up was about two weeks ago and he is a healthy three pound bundle of energy! I'll attach pictures of him in my next post once I get them loaded on my computer.
Life here is about the same as it has been. However, I seem to be adjusting to the hustle and bustle of this military town. As well as the stifling heat of the summer in the south. I'm slowly trying to make our little apartment more home-like for us. Its tough when you are limited to what you can hang on the wall and the "cute" furniture for decoration is way more than you'd like to spend! But I'm getting there and it feels a little more like home each day.
I've been home twice in the last month. Earlier in June for Brian's graduation ceremony and then again the end of June for Brian's graduation party. It was a fantastic time both trips! I'm so proud of my little (well bigger younger) brother. He's a great person and I'm thankful we get along much better than we did when we were young kids.
I'll be going home again in the next 5 days or so for my best friend/sister's bridal shower. I am the maid of honor...I guess matron since I am married...in her wedding. I am also the hostess of the shower. I put a lot of thought into her shower with cute matching color themes, fun games, neat prizes, and the whole works. Its just unfortunate that the weekend in July when she was able to come to PA is the weekend right before another shower I was responsible for attending: Lauren's shower in Michigan. I found myself in quite a position. I needed to be at Lindsay's shower for sure since I was the host, but I also needed to be at Lauren's. She is a dear friend and made the trip for my shower in February. However, the plane ticket prices were over $700 to manage to make it up for both showers. That is way out of our budget. Unfortunately I will only be able to make it to Lindsay's shower next weekend.
On a positive note, I received a phone call a few days ago from a potential client! A woman who hasn't ridden in nearly 8 years is looking for Western Pleasure lessons on her 26 year old Quarter Horse. She emphasized how she wishes to start slowly to get back into riding again. She sounded like a very nice lady and I look forward to our first lesson!
Our little kitten is growing like a bad weed! He's becoming much more confident and I find him trying to balance on top of our flat screen, wide screen, television. He's highly adorable but not when he is teeter-tottering on the expensive TV! His last vet check-up was about two weeks ago and he is a healthy three pound bundle of energy! I'll attach pictures of him in my next post once I get them loaded on my computer.
Friday, June 20, 2008
No Job
Since I was 15, I have always had a job. I started at a personal care home as a nurse's aide, pretty eye-opening stuff for a young girl! But oddly, it didn't bother me as much as I would have expected. I stayed there for a few months. I turned 16 that August, and by March had quit the personal care home and started at Rita's Italian Ice. Oh I loved that goofy job. The summer I graduated highschool, my boss promoted me to manager. I really enjoyed it. I was organized and it was A/C in there...works for me! Between seasons I could never find another job that really worked out for me: Eat N Park, Pac Sun, Wet Seal, etc. I was at Rita's 4 years before Steve sold the place. I didn't get a long at all with the new owners. I questioned how they did a lot of things and I think they resented the fact that I knew a heck of a lot more than they did. So into my 5th Ice season, I walked out of my beloved Rita's job. That was the first time I was unemployed for more than a few weeks. I got a job at Blockbuster in August of 2006. Another goofy job I hated to love and loved to hate. I made wonderful friends at that job. When I decided to move to North Carolina with Tony, I left Blockbuster in April of this year for the wedding things and moved to Jacksonville on the 28th. The plan was to transfer to a Blockbuster here - as you can read in my previous post, that did not work out. I even left behind a wonderful horse-sitting job that kept me busy 2-4 times each year when Pam would go out of town. She has already replaced me...
So I have no job. Financially, we're ok because Tony makes enough for both of us. But I'm not used to not working. I wouldn't have minded this a few months back when I was trying to finish up college, but without schoolwork to occupy my time, I feel lost without a job. I was trying really hard to start my own little business with horses. Again as in my previous post, its not working out. I am stuck and frustrated because I don't know how else to promote it. I guess my mom had a point that I am not down here long enough to really get established and well-known with the local equestrians.
I just feel like a big loser as a jobless college grad. Even a little retail job feels ridiculous to me. I have been toying with looking for something, but everything around here is retail and that puts a really bad taste in my mouth. Screaming children and endless lines. I had visted Jacksonville a good amount of times before moving here, but I never noticed how congested EVERYTHING is - oh yeah I hate it. And to top it off, I would need at least 4 long weekends off in the next 3 months for all the wedding things I have going on up north. I think most employers would be very unwelcoming about that.
I also feel like most of my friends are short with me because I have all this "free time." Its not like I get to spend all day with Tony having a blast. He leaves at 5am and sometimes doesn't get home until after 5pm. I sit here alone watching the time pass.
I think I'll try to find a job after September when all the wedding craziness is over....
So I have no job. Financially, we're ok because Tony makes enough for both of us. But I'm not used to not working. I wouldn't have minded this a few months back when I was trying to finish up college, but without schoolwork to occupy my time, I feel lost without a job. I was trying really hard to start my own little business with horses. Again as in my previous post, its not working out. I am stuck and frustrated because I don't know how else to promote it. I guess my mom had a point that I am not down here long enough to really get established and well-known with the local equestrians.
I just feel like a big loser as a jobless college grad. Even a little retail job feels ridiculous to me. I have been toying with looking for something, but everything around here is retail and that puts a really bad taste in my mouth. Screaming children and endless lines. I had visted Jacksonville a good amount of times before moving here, but I never noticed how congested EVERYTHING is - oh yeah I hate it. And to top it off, I would need at least 4 long weekends off in the next 3 months for all the wedding things I have going on up north. I think most employers would be very unwelcoming about that.
I also feel like most of my friends are short with me because I have all this "free time." Its not like I get to spend all day with Tony having a blast. He leaves at 5am and sometimes doesn't get home until after 5pm. I sit here alone watching the time pass.
I think I'll try to find a job after September when all the wedding craziness is over....
Monday, June 16, 2008
Nothing all that new and interesting to talk about here...aside from Dale being very sick two weeks ago. I felt so helpless being all the way down here and only being able to watch from the live-action web cam broadcast. Thankfully, he is doing much better. I made it home a week ago for my brother's graduation ceremony and I was able to spoil the pony with kisses and hugs. It seemed to help his spirits - maybe he missed me? Well, I like to think so, haha!
Things down here are doing ok. I've come to realize this town of Jacksonville is not very "North Carolina-ish" at all. Everyone hears how friendly and southern hospitable North Carolina people are...but Jacksonville is a whole other world of its own. People are not friendly and people are not very hospitable! I think because most of the people here are not natives of this state. I guess since most of the people here are here because they have someone stationed at Camp Lejeune. Those of you familiar with Cranberry Twp, PA can relate to this...I decided that Jacksonville, NC is basically Cranberry Twp on steroids. Everywhere you go, there are very young families with way too many crying kids. I like kids, but these ones are always screaming and crying in the stores. Instead of seeing tons of cute kids and a few crying ones...its the complete opposite! It starts to make you a bit anxious and cranky trying to grocery shop, needless to say.
I quit my job at Blockbuster the first week. Some people might judge me for it, but I don't care. Maybe my old Blockbuster spoiled me. This one was horrible. It was extremely messy and unorganized, I felt so out of place there. The workers were not very friendly - I had no idea where the safe was and I was expected to close on my own my next shift! I took my position there as a Shift Lead manager, and yet I never even left the register. Heck, I never even got a break! I rang out customers nonstop from 4:00 when I got there until midnight when they finally closed. Tony came to visit and he said he took one look at me and knew I was miserable. I actually was holding back tears the majority of my shift. And when I got in my car, I cried the whole way home.
I don't like to "quit" anything, but this was just too much. Its hard enough adjusting to a new city and state, let alone a miserable job. So I was inspired to try out my own small business of equine services - show coaching and prep, grooming, braiding, exercising, and horse-sitting. However, its been really slow starting. I have had a few email conversations, but thats it. Aparently horse showing isn't as large around here as it is in other parts of the state (figures). Its so hard because I am becomming frustrated. I have always wanted to work with horses as a career, but I feel like nobody will give me the chance. I'm determined to keep going, so hopefully things will look up soon.
Things down here are doing ok. I've come to realize this town of Jacksonville is not very "North Carolina-ish" at all. Everyone hears how friendly and southern hospitable North Carolina people are...but Jacksonville is a whole other world of its own. People are not friendly and people are not very hospitable! I think because most of the people here are not natives of this state. I guess since most of the people here are here because they have someone stationed at Camp Lejeune. Those of you familiar with Cranberry Twp, PA can relate to this...I decided that Jacksonville, NC is basically Cranberry Twp on steroids. Everywhere you go, there are very young families with way too many crying kids. I like kids, but these ones are always screaming and crying in the stores. Instead of seeing tons of cute kids and a few crying ones...its the complete opposite! It starts to make you a bit anxious and cranky trying to grocery shop, needless to say.
I quit my job at Blockbuster the first week. Some people might judge me for it, but I don't care. Maybe my old Blockbuster spoiled me. This one was horrible. It was extremely messy and unorganized, I felt so out of place there. The workers were not very friendly - I had no idea where the safe was and I was expected to close on my own my next shift! I took my position there as a Shift Lead manager, and yet I never even left the register. Heck, I never even got a break! I rang out customers nonstop from 4:00 when I got there until midnight when they finally closed. Tony came to visit and he said he took one look at me and knew I was miserable. I actually was holding back tears the majority of my shift. And when I got in my car, I cried the whole way home.
I don't like to "quit" anything, but this was just too much. Its hard enough adjusting to a new city and state, let alone a miserable job. So I was inspired to try out my own small business of equine services - show coaching and prep, grooming, braiding, exercising, and horse-sitting. However, its been really slow starting. I have had a few email conversations, but thats it. Aparently horse showing isn't as large around here as it is in other parts of the state (figures). Its so hard because I am becomming frustrated. I have always wanted to work with horses as a career, but I feel like nobody will give me the chance. I'm determined to keep going, so hopefully things will look up soon.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Wedding Weekend Whirlwind!
Figured now that things have calmed down a bit I could post on here finally!

The rehearsal went pretty smoothly. Aside from the goofy coordinator who was practically a fembot and unable to do anything she wasn't programed for! Since Tony wore his blues and an NCO sword, I was to stand on the opposite side as traditionally. Not that big of a deal, just flop everything around, right? Yeah the sidewalk outside would have a better chance understanding what we were trying to say! The dinner afterwards went well also. Just a case of butterflies for dessert about the next morning!
The wedding on the 19th of April was great! We lucked out with the weather, it was a gorgeous day. The rain didn't come until I was being carried out the reception hall door!
I had been mentally preparing myself for weeks for the big day. I was nervous (in a good way) and anxiously awaiting the day. I think its the unknown that is most frightening. The unknown of how things will go before the ceremony, how it will feel to walk down t
he aisle with my daddy, the unknown of will I hold back my tears while I speak my vows, etc. As well as the unknown on my big move down to North Carolina about 10 days after the wedding. So I prepared myself to keep a cool head on my shoulders, take control of the things I can - go with the flow on things I can't. I think I did a good job because I only had a small case of butterflies that day! Nothing a few Tums and mint chewing gum can't fix!
When I came up from the downstairs bridal dressing room with my florist carrying my train (something the goofy wedding coordinator should have been doing!), I saw my dad standing there. He looked pale and anxious. I watched him take a gulp of water, a deep breath, and join me at my side as the rest of my bridal party walked up to the alter. I blinked back my tears and painted on a smile. Just as my mom described about her big day, almost exactly 24 years prior to mine in the same exact spot I was standing, the processional stopped, the doors swung open, and the music began again as I thanked my amazing florist for all her help and started down the aisle. Its pretty much a blur. I saw familiar faces of family and friends, flashes from cameras, my mom holding b
ack tears at the front pew, and my handsome Marine all smiles at the alter. I held back the tears as my dad lifted my veil, gave me a kiss and a hug, then put my hand in Tony's hand and we walked up to the officiant. The wedding went well, it was really pretty. The Reverend even changed things up a bit to say a few words about the members of the armed services. His son is also a Marine and he chocked back the tears as he spoke of how Tony reminds him of his beloved son who chose to make a career out of the Corps.
The reception was great. It seemed to fly by! Every time I was trying to speak to one of our guests, someone would drag us away to do something - pictures, gar
der and bouquet toss, cake cutting, etc. I felt irritated because I wanted to spend time with my guests. As it is, I don't think I got to see every one of them. But in any event, it was a blast. The food was good, the music was great, and everyone seemed to have a blast. Before we knew it, the night was done and Tony was carrying me out the door to my car, which was affectionately decorated by the wedding party (hehe!)
Its a relief that the stress and planning is done. Everything turned out great! I am now down in our new apartment in good old Jacksonville, NC. Trying to get things organized and settled in. I miss home and my family a great deal. But thankfully we have cell phones and internet to stay connected. I also miss my animals and my horses so much. But this move isn't permanent. I'll be back for good next spring when Tony gets out of the Marine Corps.
we adopted an adorable little kitten on May 1st! We named him Malone, after Tony's favorite Pittsburgh Pens player! He is around 2 months old and was saved from the local animal shelter where they put down any critter who has been there unadopted for 30 days or more. Heartbreaking, if I could, I woul
d have taken all of them home!! So if you want to get a pet, adopt a mutt and save a life!

The rehearsal went pretty smoothly. Aside from the goofy coordinator who was practically a fembot and unable to do anything she wasn't programed for! Since Tony wore his blues and an NCO sword, I was to stand on the opposite side as traditionally. Not that big of a deal, just flop everything around, right? Yeah the sidewalk outside would have a better chance understanding what we were trying to say! The dinner afterwards went well also. Just a case of butterflies for dessert about the next morning!
The wedding on the 19th of April was great! We lucked out with the weather, it was a gorgeous day. The rain didn't come until I was being carried out the reception hall door!
I had been mentally preparing myself for weeks for the big day. I was nervous (in a good way) and anxiously awaiting the day. I think its the unknown that is most frightening. The unknown of how things will go before the ceremony, how it will feel to walk down t

When I came up from the downstairs bridal dressing room with my florist carrying my train (something the goofy wedding coordinator should have been doing!), I saw my dad standing there. He looked pale and anxious. I watched him take a gulp of water, a deep breath, and join me at my side as the rest of my bridal party walked up to the alter. I blinked back my tears and painted on a smile. Just as my mom described about her big day, almost exactly 24 years prior to mine in the same exact spot I was standing, the processional stopped, the doors swung open, and the music began again as I thanked my amazing florist for all her help and started down the aisle. Its pretty much a blur. I saw familiar faces of family and friends, flashes from cameras, my mom holding b

The reception was great. It seemed to fly by! Every time I was trying to speak to one of our guests, someone would drag us away to do something - pictures, gar

Its a relief that the stress and planning is done. Everything turned out great! I am now down in our new apartment in good old Jacksonville, NC. Trying to get things organized and settled in. I miss home and my family a great deal. But thankfully we have cell phones and internet to stay connected. I also miss my animals and my horses so much. But this move isn't permanent. I'll be back for good next spring when Tony gets out of the Marine Corps.
we adopted an adorable little kitten on May 1st! We named him Malone, after Tony's favorite Pittsburgh Pens player! He is around 2 months old and was saved from the local animal shelter where they put down any critter who has been there unadopted for 30 days or more. Heartbreaking, if I could, I woul

Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Only a few more days...
The big day is about four days away. I can't believe how fast these last few months have gone. Everyone keeps asking if I am nervous or excited. I am a bit of both but it doesn't feel like anything too overwhelming - its a positive feeling.
Tony came home Sunday morning on a one way flight. It was so nice to pick him up and realize there will be no more of this 'visiting for a weekend and leaving two days later driving 10 hours alone up and down the eastern part of the country' anymore. We came home and relaxed a bit then went furniture shopping - we needed a couch and a mattress. Things went a bit haywire with that. My parents came with us because they wanted to get our mattress as a wedding gift. The mattress they bought for themselves just 6 weeks prior was bumped up nearly 200 dollars what they paid. Needless to say, they were a bit angry. I understand that because thats a lot of money to go up in such a short time. They were trying to get the sales people to give a little. This is where I have no idea what happened. I was just sitting on another bed up the room a bit. My parents said they were leaving and for us to get our couch. I didn't want to hang around and get a couch there because the sales people were staring like vultures about to rip us apart so I left as well. I was angry and frustrated outside the store because we only have a short amount of time to get all this stuff figured out, get married, go on our honeymoon, then move to North Carolina a few short days later. So I'm a bit stressed about getting everything done and figured out. I said a really stupid comment to my dad and he told my mom about it. I said it out of anger - something I do often and really need to learn to control. It led to a huge argument and my mom and I haven't really spoken since Sunday. It upsets me so much. This is my last week here. I get married in four days and one of the most important people in my life isn't talking to me.
Today is my last day at my store up here in PA. I'm sad to leave my friends, even though its only for a year. I just don't know if I'd have a spot waiting when I come home. Just have to wait and see.
So here we are, so close to the big day I've been planning for months. I'm so excited for it. I'm excited to see everyone all dressed up and I think the weather is supposed to be nice. I'm excited for the reception and celebration and to see family and friends at a happy occasion. I'm just so upset about the fight my mom and I had....she was such a huge person in helping me with silly details, not to mention the fact that they have paid for it all. So I guess I just have to wait it out and see how it all goes.
Tony came home Sunday morning on a one way flight. It was so nice to pick him up and realize there will be no more of this 'visiting for a weekend and leaving two days later driving 10 hours alone up and down the eastern part of the country' anymore. We came home and relaxed a bit then went furniture shopping - we needed a couch and a mattress. Things went a bit haywire with that. My parents came with us because they wanted to get our mattress as a wedding gift. The mattress they bought for themselves just 6 weeks prior was bumped up nearly 200 dollars what they paid. Needless to say, they were a bit angry. I understand that because thats a lot of money to go up in such a short time. They were trying to get the sales people to give a little. This is where I have no idea what happened. I was just sitting on another bed up the room a bit. My parents said they were leaving and for us to get our couch. I didn't want to hang around and get a couch there because the sales people were staring like vultures about to rip us apart so I left as well. I was angry and frustrated outside the store because we only have a short amount of time to get all this stuff figured out, get married, go on our honeymoon, then move to North Carolina a few short days later. So I'm a bit stressed about getting everything done and figured out. I said a really stupid comment to my dad and he told my mom about it. I said it out of anger - something I do often and really need to learn to control. It led to a huge argument and my mom and I haven't really spoken since Sunday. It upsets me so much. This is my last week here. I get married in four days and one of the most important people in my life isn't talking to me.
Today is my last day at my store up here in PA. I'm sad to leave my friends, even though its only for a year. I just don't know if I'd have a spot waiting when I come home. Just have to wait and see.
So here we are, so close to the big day I've been planning for months. I'm so excited for it. I'm excited to see everyone all dressed up and I think the weather is supposed to be nice. I'm excited for the reception and celebration and to see family and friends at a happy occasion. I'm just so upset about the fight my mom and I had....she was such a huge person in helping me with silly details, not to mention the fact that they have paid for it all. So I guess I just have to wait it out and see how it all goes.
Monday, March 24, 2008
March Madness
Its March! Actually its even closer to April. Where has the time gone?
The wedding is 27 days away and most of the planning is done. Just a few last minute details to work out! I'm excited and a mix of anxious. I've been trying not to worry about things I can't control and look at the bigger picture of what is actually happening.
Also, I've gone back to the hobby of writing movie reviews about films I watch on DVD. Take a look in my links for "Nikki's Movie Reviews" maybe I can make a few more peoples' Friday and Saturday night decisions a little easier =)
Happy Spring!
The wedding is 27 days away and most of the planning is done. Just a few last minute details to work out! I'm excited and a mix of anxious. I've been trying not to worry about things I can't control and look at the bigger picture of what is actually happening.
Also, I've gone back to the hobby of writing movie reviews about films I watch on DVD. Take a look in my links for "Nikki's Movie Reviews" maybe I can make a few more peoples' Friday and Saturday night decisions a little easier =)
Happy Spring!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Love is in the air
Love is certainly in the air. Two of my friends got engaged in the last 10 days. My dear friend Lauren and her Marine, Scott, got engaged two Sundays ago. My friend from work, Torrie, got engaged on Valentine's Day (her favorite holiday). I am so happy for my friends and look forward to being on the other end of all the upcoming weddings! :)
This weekend was my bridal shower bash. My bridesmaids
Lauren and Lindsay flew in from their out-of-state locations. We did a Bachlorette Bash Friday night involving "embarassing objects" and drinks. I'm not much of a party person these days, so I was a bit out of my element. But the girls went to a lot of work to plan this night for me. Everyone was pretty tired from the craziness of delayed flights, missing luggage, and SUVs "dropping by" in my front yard (its a long story). So I only had a few drinks and most of the girls left before 1am. But I enjoyed the time with my girlfriends!
Saturday we relaxed and did some preparation for the shower on Sunday. The shower was
great. Many of my family members were able to make it. I was also very touched to see all of my barn pals there. They are truly like another part of my family. And I'll admit I felt a few whelms of emotion flushing through my body when I thought about how nice it was to see my family on a happy occasion. The last time I saw most of them it was at my grandmother's funeral. She was definitely on my mind Sunday. She would have been very excited for the shower, especially the "bridal bingo" and watching me open all my presents. I could almost hear her sweet voice and laughter as I opened my shiny new kitchen stuff. But as mom noted in some of her posts on here, it would have been a very confusing and anxious time for her because it was just too hard to grasp new big things like that.

Now that this major weekend is done and over with. It is time to finish up the final preparations for the big day. I can't believe the wedding is only a few weeks away. I'm very excited and anxious, I can only imagine how flip-flopping my stomach will be that morning! Good thing I have daddy to hold me up down the aisle and my future husband to hold me up at the alter =)
This weekend was my bridal shower bash. My bridesmaids

Lauren and Lindsay flew in from their out-of-state locations. We did a Bachlorette Bash Friday night involving "embarassing objects" and drinks. I'm not much of a party person these days, so I was a bit out of my element. But the girls went to a lot of work to plan this night for me. Everyone was pretty tired from the craziness of delayed flights, missing luggage, and SUVs "dropping by" in my front yard (its a long story). So I only had a few drinks and most of the girls left before 1am. But I enjoyed the time with my girlfriends!
Saturday we relaxed and did some preparation for the shower on Sunday. The shower was

Now that this major weekend is done and over with. It is time to finish up the final preparations for the big day. I can't believe the wedding is only a few weeks away. I'm very excited and anxious, I can only imagine how flip-flopping my stomach will be that morning! Good thing I have daddy to hold me up down the aisle and my future husband to hold me up at the alter =)
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Almost Done....
Well, its been a while since I posted. I just don't have much to say I suppose. School is finished, the holidays are done. Homecoming is a week away. Wait, what? HOMECOMING is next week!!
I survived my second deployment! (almost) We're almost done, this is the homestretch. What a relief. Now it is time for a bit of normalcy. Due to OPSEC I can't go into it much but Tony is making way for home grounds! They are even a bit ahead of schedule. My good pal Lauren and I plan on making the 10 hour drive south for the occasion.
Lauren and I have been life-savers for each other the past six months. We have such a unique friendship. She and I began talking in the spring of 2006 when the boys deployed to Iraq. I don't even remember how, but I found her myspace page and contacted her. We would chat occassionally. Then after a while we talked much more often. She is dating Tony's buddy Scott, they are in the same unit and company. Scott and Lauren had a bit of a break in their relationship toward the end of the summer 2006, but we maintained our friendship. Now they are back together! She and I have become such good friends. I honestly do not know how I would have survived this deployment without her! We call each other to cry or vent about frustrations with the Marine Corps and deployment. Or we laugh about stupid things or complain about stupid people. Whatever the topic is, we could talk forever! When my gram passed away, she sent ingredients for dinner since she lives in Michigan and could not make something for us to eat! What a sweetheart, right? So thank you Lauren for being such a dear friend for almost two years! And especially the last six months. I cherish our friendship =]
So we plan to spend the week in North Carolina at the beach on base. Sure, its a bit cold there right now. But hey, 50 is nothing compared to temperatures currently in Pittsburgh, PA and Okemos, MI! It is time for some much deserved Rest and Relaxation! We've all earned it =]
I'd also like to mention my family and how they've "put up" with me during this deployment (again). This deployment was less stressful but still difficult. There were many days I would mope around the house or start arguments or be down right mean for no good reason. I think I really need a shirt that says "no, I'm not bipolar. I am a military SO" =] We've been through A LOT over the last three years. My family means so much to me, I would do anything for them. I am so thankful because not everyone can say they truly love their family. I have been blessed with such a fantastic family.
I survived my second deployment! (almost) We're almost done, this is the homestretch. What a relief. Now it is time for a bit of normalcy. Due to OPSEC I can't go into it much but Tony is making way for home grounds! They are even a bit ahead of schedule. My good pal Lauren and I plan on making the 10 hour drive south for the occasion.
Lauren and I have been life-savers for each other the past six months. We have such a unique friendship. She and I began talking in the spring of 2006 when the boys deployed to Iraq. I don't even remember how, but I found her myspace page and contacted her. We would chat occassionally. Then after a while we talked much more often. She is dating Tony's buddy Scott, they are in the same unit and company. Scott and Lauren had a bit of a break in their relationship toward the end of the summer 2006, but we maintained our friendship. Now they are back together! She and I have become such good friends. I honestly do not know how I would have survived this deployment without her! We call each other to cry or vent about frustrations with the Marine Corps and deployment. Or we laugh about stupid things or complain about stupid people. Whatever the topic is, we could talk forever! When my gram passed away, she sent ingredients for dinner since she lives in Michigan and could not make something for us to eat! What a sweetheart, right? So thank you Lauren for being such a dear friend for almost two years! And especially the last six months. I cherish our friendship =]
So we plan to spend the week in North Carolina at the beach on base. Sure, its a bit cold there right now. But hey, 50 is nothing compared to temperatures currently in Pittsburgh, PA and Okemos, MI! It is time for some much deserved Rest and Relaxation! We've all earned it =]
I'd also like to mention my family and how they've "put up" with me during this deployment (again). This deployment was less stressful but still difficult. There were many days I would mope around the house or start arguments or be down right mean for no good reason. I think I really need a shirt that says "no, I'm not bipolar. I am a military SO" =] We've been through A LOT over the last three years. My family means so much to me, I would do anything for them. I am so thankful because not everyone can say they truly love their family. I have been blessed with such a fantastic family.
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