The rehearsal went pretty smoothly. Aside from the goofy coordinator who was practically a fembot and unable to do anything she wasn't programed for! Since Tony wore his blues and an NCO sword, I was to stand on the opposite side as traditionally. Not that big of a deal, just flop everything around, right? Yeah the sidewalk outside would have a better chance understanding what we were trying to say! The dinner afterwards went well also. Just a case of butterflies for dessert about the next morning!
The wedding on the 19th of April was great! We lucked out with the weather, it was a gorgeous day. The rain didn't come until I was being carried out the reception hall door!
I had been mentally preparing myself for weeks for the big day. I was nervous (in a good way) and anxiously awaiting the day. I think its the unknown that is most frightening. The unknown of how things will go before the ceremony, how it will feel to walk down t

When I came up from the downstairs bridal dressing room with my florist carrying my train (something the goofy wedding coordinator should have been doing!), I saw my dad standing there. He looked pale and anxious. I watched him take a gulp of water, a deep breath, and join me at my side as the rest of my bridal party walked up to the alter. I blinked back my tears and painted on a smile. Just as my mom described about her big day, almost exactly 24 years prior to mine in the same exact spot I was standing, the processional stopped, the doors swung open, and the music began again as I thanked my amazing florist for all her help and started down the aisle. Its pretty much a blur. I saw familiar faces of family and friends, flashes from cameras, my mom holding b

The reception was great. It seemed to fly by! Every time I was trying to speak to one of our guests, someone would drag us away to do something - pictures, gar

Its a relief that the stress and planning is done. Everything turned out great! I am now down in our new apartment in good old Jacksonville, NC. Trying to get things organized and settled in. I miss home and my family a great deal. But thankfully we have cell phones and internet to stay connected. I also miss my animals and my horses so much. But this move isn't permanent. I'll be back for good next spring when Tony gets out of the Marine Corps.
we adopted an adorable little kitten on May 1st! We named him Malone, after Tony's favorite Pittsburgh Pens player! He is around 2 months old and was saved from the local animal shelter where they put down any critter who has been there unadopted for 30 days or more. Heartbreaking, if I could, I woul

Hi Nikki, I am one of your mom's blog buddies. What a beautiful post! How special a day you had with friends and family. We were thinking of you all while we were having our get together that weekend in Chi-town.
Such a beautiful bride! And I loved the pic your mom posted of you being carried out by Tony. Reminded me of the movie Officer and a Gentleman.
Many congrats going your way and also congrats on your little addition. I am an animal rescue fan myself and choose to go that route when I am looking for a pet. Usually I find strays and just pack em up and take em home. Gotta love them anyhow.
Take care!
Anita the fembot - great description! She really was pathetic, wasn't she?
Your wedding was, without a doubt, the prettiest one I have ever seen. I'm not just saying that because you're my daughter, but I mean that sincerely. Gorgeous....absolutely gorgeous.
I love the picture of Malone sleeping on Tony!
Miss ya', buddy! (((((hugs)))))
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