Thursday, September 24, 2009

Great Book

I've been reading a lot lately. One of the latest books I read was My Sister's Keeper. I got the book a few months ago when the movie was in theaters. But I hadn't read it until a few weeks ago. What a wonderful book. I highly recommend it to anyone! Jodi Picoult does such a great job, each chapter is done in a different person's point of view. And between each person, even the fonts change. It is brilliant. If you've seen the movie, it doesn't matter, still read the book. The endings are completely different. Jodi even says on her website that once she sold the movie rights, she gave up the rights to be able to say "yes" or "no" about what they do to the film. So she is clear to note that she did not have any input in the changes and the different ending. Either way, I would still like to see the movie and I hear it is still a great film, despite the changes.

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