Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Countdown Begins...

At last, we are just weeks away from our big move back to PA. This was my first year living away from my family - actually, from leaving my parents' house! I have definitely done some growing up. I remember the first few weeks were really tough. I missed my house, my family, my pets, my old job, my friends, my horses, even my old bedroom. But I told myself that this is part of growing up. I was married now and starting my life with an amazing guy. We got kittens (after 2 days here) and kept eachother company in this unsual town. Our relationship has grown even stronger. I learned to cook, learned I am really good at baking, learned to grocery shop and keep up with bills.

One month from today we will have our little temp. home all packed up in boxes. My dad and grandpa will be in a hotel about a half a mle down the road ready to help us move. And our rental truck will be parked in the spot outside (there have been so many trucks, due to the large amount of military and people moving in and out all the time, at last this one will be ours!) April 10th is the big moving day. Then it is back to PA! There are so many things I am looking forward to, its a feeling unlike anything else I've experienced before! I cannot wait. =]

1 comment:

~Betsy said...

I can't wait either!