Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Almost Done....

Well, its been a while since I posted. I just don't have much to say I suppose. School is finished, the holidays are done. Homecoming is a week away. Wait, what? HOMECOMING is next week!!

I survived my second deployment! (almost) We're almost done, this is the homestretch. What a relief. Now it is time for a bit of normalcy. Due to OPSEC I can't go into it much but Tony is making way for home grounds! They are even a bit ahead of schedule. My good pal Lauren and I plan on making the 10 hour drive south for the occasion.

Lauren and I have been life-savers for each other the past six months. We have such a unique friendship. She and I began talking in the spring of 2006 when the boys deployed to Iraq. I don't even remember how, but I found her myspace page and contacted her. We would chat occassionally. Then after a while we talked much more often. She is dating Tony's buddy Scott, they are in the same unit and company. Scott and Lauren had a bit of a break in their relationship toward the end of the summer 2006, but we maintained our friendship. Now they are back together! She and I have become such good friends. I honestly do not know how I would have survived this deployment without her! We call each other to cry or vent about frustrations with the Marine Corps and deployment. Or we laugh about stupid things or complain about stupid people. Whatever the topic is, we could talk forever! When my gram passed away, she sent ingredients for dinner since she lives in Michigan and could not make something for us to eat! What a sweetheart, right? So thank you Lauren for being such a dear friend for almost two years! And especially the last six months. I cherish our friendship =]

So we plan to spend the week in North Carolina at the beach on base. Sure, its a bit cold there right now. But hey, 50 is nothing compared to temperatures currently in Pittsburgh, PA and Okemos, MI! It is time for some much deserved Rest and Relaxation! We've all earned it =]

I'd also like to mention my family and how they've "put up" with me during this deployment (again). This deployment was less stressful but still difficult. There were many days I would mope around the house or start arguments or be down right mean for no good reason. I think I really need a shirt that says "no, I'm not bipolar. I am a military SO" =] We've been through A LOT over the last three years. My family means so much to me, I would do anything for them. I am so thankful because not everyone can say they truly love their family. I have been blessed with such a fantastic family.